Season 1
– Are the traitor soldiers detected? – Your Majesty as your command they were followed. Their houses, theirs friend’s houses, we know all of them. -At the same time our soldiers are continuing to observe – Collect them all. – Don’t neglect even one. – Yes, your Majesty. -Do we know where Mahmut Pasha is? – Unfortunately.

Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Season 5
Osman Pasha
He wasn’t among the soldiers trying to escape.Send Osman Pasha to Mahmut Pasha’s home. Arrest him if he is there.Additionaly write a command to make a searh at his home.Yes, your Majesty.Pasha, when we catch the traitor with proof…They will be punshed severelly.
- What is your command, your Majesty. – Built up the hanging tree.However he is the one we hang will be not ours, he will be man of Englishes. Don’t be afraid my love, nothing will happen to you. Assume it is just a bad dream. You will wake up.Please be calm. You have never given up Karasu. I’ve always run and you chased. You are my homeland Sara. Even if you are fire, I am the smoke after you. You are everything to me.
I don’t give up. I can’t. I am at the end of the way Karasu. Nothing will happen to you, Sara. Do you remember… …you lost your way at Alps in our University years. – In a freezing weather. – Yes.
- In darkness. – Yes. I was all alone there. I was waiting for death. I heard your voice. You were cold. Like a bird. I hadn’t felt happy until that moment for all of my life. You will feel the same, my love. I will always love you.
I love you so much. – Do you love me even if in this istuation? – You will always be beautiful and pure Sara for me. I have always loved you. – And will always love you Sara. – If you love me… …do last thing I want.
What is that? I am dying Karasu. Don’t take me to hospital. Don’t give me Abdğlhamit’s spies. If I die, I want to die looking at sky.
Mehmet be calm. This must be the best. – Oh Abdülkadir. – What does Abdülkadir has to do with? Abdilkadir gave a document to his Majesty. I was dismissed after that. What is that document about?
I don’t know. Come in. – Sultana, his Majesty’s command. – Come. Okay, you can go out daughter. What happened sister Brother… …you are forbidden to leave the palace. Mr. Lord Conrad.
Welcome. You must be happy to see me healtily. I am not personally interested in you but I likek your being in my hand. I see. Mr. Lord Conrad… …did you give the order… …to kill me? – What are you doing damned? Kill him.! – You can’t do anything Mr. Conrad. Because my blood is sweet and only can be spilled for my pasdishah.
You… …have to kiss my hand and Abdülhamid’s feet to be able to the real version of this certificate.
Lord Conrad
I will make an agreement with him in some way. – Kill him. Don’t show mercy to him. – Are you sure? We still can’t get what we want. Mr. Lord Conrad. Beloved English Lord.
You want to make a bargain with Ottoman… …but you don’t have anything but you broom liked mustaches. And here is the Capital. And in Capital, in anytime you can lose your broom liked mustaches. So, you are in need of me.
Give the pasha and take the real certificate. You changed your mind about killing.
Dear Lord… …Englishes will make you pay for this treatment you deem proper to me. Because I am the concrete ally of the West. Anyway, I want to demolish what happened… – …and be friend with you. – You have to do this. If you kill me, Abdülhamid puts all of you on a donkey… …and send you to your country with that donkey.